This is the home for my Byzantine Generals comics. The "Byzantine General" problem is a problem in computer science in how to deal with incorrect or incomplete information - while still operating reliably, and is a facet of distributed ledger technology.
My generals are characters both from my book, "Blockchain Technology for Managers" and now, my comics that reflect society and technology - complete with Dad humor and puns.
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To illustrate some concepts and to employ a few puns, I created some one panel comics that used the Byzantine Generals as characters. Byzantine Generals are from the computer science problem about how to operate reliably when you don't have perfect information.
Suddenly it dawned on me - Could I make stupid pictures and tell Dad jokes at the same time? All while reflecting the idiocy of the world that surrounds us?
Yes please.
I'm always looking for new ideas, so if you have a topic that you would like to see me address - post it here.